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The colorimetric LAMP 2X master mix

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Isothermal Master Mix (HNB)

Experience the future of isothermal DNA amplification with our innovative Isothermal Mastermix, enhanced with HNB dye for effortless detection and visualization of isothermally amplified DNA. Designed to streamline your

molecular biology workflows, our isothermal mastermix offers unparalleled convenience and sensitivity, making it the ideal solution for a wide range of DNA detection applications.

  • The colorimetric LAMP 2X master mix:
    • Available as  an optimized buffer formulation with BST polymerase and also contain Hydroxy naphthol (HNB) dye is a metal indicator.
ISOHMM/WBB/500500 reactions
ISOHMM/WBB/1000100*10 reactions