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Human Blood DNA extraction

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Human Blood DNA extraction

  • Easily extract pure DNA from blood samples with our convenient spin column-based extraction kit – simplifying your research with reliable results.
  • DNA Blood Kits yield DNA size from 200 bp to 50 kb, depending on the age and storage of samples.
  • Blood DNA Kit yields up to 95.8 % of recovery of DNA.
  • AVERAGE YIELD :- 4 – 6 µg
  • A260/280 RATIO :- 1.60 – 1.90
  • CONCENTRATION :- (30 – 70) ng/µl (Depending upon the sample type).
  • Features: – Rapid isolation of high-quality, ready-to-use DNA, No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation, Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors.
BDNA/WBB/5050 reactions
BDNA/WBB/100100 reactions