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PCR Product Purification

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PCR Product Purification

  • Purify PCR products efficiently with our reliable spin column-based kit, ensuring high-quality DNA for downstream applications.
  • Removes over 99% of primer and other components.
  • Purified DNA can be used in enzymatic reactions, conventional or automated sequencing, and cloning and microarray analysis.
  • Recovers up to 80 %-90% in the range of 10 bp to 10 kb(depending upon the size of the DNA of PCR of PCR products)
  • Column Binding Capacity:- 10 μg
  • Highly purified DNA is used in all Downstream Protocols of Molecular biology.
  • Features: – Rapid isolation of high-quality, ready-to-use DNA, No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation, Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors.
PPF/WBB/5050 reactions
PPF/WBB/100100 reactions